09-03-2018, 16:32
Freedom fries ,za pametnjakoviče ,ki mislijo ,da so upravičeni do kakega centa ,če jim gre orožja v plavž. Ja pa na ablasti so desni konzervativci ,ki pridigajo da so seveda to zahteve iz EU LOL
Norway plans to ban civilian semi-automatics by 2021.
[b]The right underlines that it is quite unrealistic to establish a compensation scheme for those who own such weapons - and now have to get rid of them ,owners have 3 years to sell them abroad or otherwise dispose of them [/b]
"We know that those who are hunters and engage in sports shooting are not in any way suspicious or willing to do such actions(kriminalna dejanja). But we still have a responsibility as politicians to reduce the number of weapons in circulation. Because they end up in the wrong hands, events like Utøya can happen, says Frølich in the Right.
Norway plans to ban civilian semi-automatics by 2021.
[b]The right underlines that it is quite unrealistic to establish a compensation scheme for those who own such weapons - and now have to get rid of them ,owners have 3 years to sell them abroad or otherwise dispose of them [/b]
"We know that those who are hunters and engage in sports shooting are not in any way suspicious or willing to do such actions(kriminalna dejanja). But we still have a responsibility as politicians to reduce the number of weapons in circulation. Because they end up in the wrong hands, events like Utøya can happen, says Frølich in the Right.