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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
Gre za  možno prepoved uporabe svinčenih šibr pri lovu močvarah,mokriščih kar je že uzakonjeno ponekod v EU etc

Citat:European Commission started a public consultation about "restrictions of lead in shot in wetlands and any other uses of lead ammunition (other than lead shot in wetlands), including hunting in other terrains than wetlands and target shooting", and even on "lead weights for fishing"!

Seveda birokratski aparat ne more brez regulacija ,posvetovanje je bolj tako za hec , vsi vemo da če jim ni všeč kar po domače narediio

Tako ,da so že dali  European Chemicals Agency(ECHA)da pripravi amandma za prepoved in utemeljitev z vnaprej zananim rezultatom ,ki popira prepoved hkrati pa naročajo zibranje podatkov o negativnih vplivih uporabe svinca na drugih področjih strelstva in ribištva ,poleg tega pa že kr pripravo amandaja  za prepoved uporabe svinca tudi tu.

Citat:As lead in shot may pose a risk to human health and the environment, and particularly to aquatic bird species, which is currently not adequately controlled and may need to be addressed on a Union-wide basis, the Commission hereby requests ECHA to assess this risk and the need for European Union-wide action beyond any national measures already in place.

The need for harmonisation of the use of lead in shot in wetlands is a priority as national legislation has already been enacted by some Member States (or regions in some Member States) further to international action through the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) under the auspices of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to which the EU is a Party.

Therefore we would like to ask ECHA to prepare immediately an Annex XV dossier for a potential restriction in order to properly control the risk to the environment and human health in the Union. Any aspect related to the contamination of food and related exposure to consumers should be discussed with the specific service of the Commission, i.e. DG SANTE. For any other uses of lead ammunition, including hunting in other terrains than wetlands and target shooting, as well as, for the use of lead weights for fishing, we would like to ask ECHA to start collecting information for the assessment of the risk and the socio- 2 economic impact with a view, except if no risk can be demonstrated, to preparing another Annex XV dossier for restriction.

When collecting such information ECHA should assess aspects of animal welfare such as avoided suffering of animals in the context of hunting and aspects related to potential accidents to hunters and sport shooters of lead ammunition and its alternatives. Particular attention should be paid to the differences of different types of ammunition (e.g. bullets, pellets, shot, etc.).
Military use of ammunition should be excluded. The details of this second Annex XV dossier will be further discussed with DG GROW and DG ENV. Timing ECHA should prepare a short RMOA justifying that a restriction is the most appropriate regulatory measure.
This conclusion will be published in the Public Activities Coordination Tool (PACT). Following this, ECHA shall enter the relevant intention into the Registry of Intentions (RoI) for lead in shot in wetlands. We expect this work to be done within two months of receipt of this note.

Within 12 months after the entry in the RoI, ECHA should communicate its conclusion to the Commission and initiate the restriction process, should the Annex XV dossier demonstrate that action on the use of lead in shot in wetlands beyond any measures already in place is necessary on a Union-wide basis.

In parallel with the preparation of the Annex XV dossier for the use in wetlands, ECHA will start collecting information for all the other uses of lead ammunition and of weights for fishing with a view to possibly prepare another Annex XV dossier for restriction in the future. The timing should then be further discussed with DG GROW and DG ENV.

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od mr.T - 05-09-2017, 22:49

Uporabnikov, ki berejo to temo: 47 Gost(ov)