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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
Zdaj ko se bundesliga busi v luft mečejo 'novi evropejci' drezajo v nevarne vode.

Švedi seveda vse obvladajo
Citat:Noting how it is a popular destination for tourists, Franchell says the city centre must be a “safe environment” for visitors to enjoy. She described it as “remarkable” that it is possible to drive around the Swedish capital’s medieval old town.
Outlining her vision for a car-free Stockholm, she argues: “Most problems with regards to mobility and public transport can be solved, and deliveries to shops and restaurants could take place at times when people aren’t out on the streets.”
“Vehicles have been allowed to dominate our cities for decades and it’s the people who need space. It’s vital now that cars be regulated,”

“Cars are driven largely by men so by giving a lot of space to cars; we’re giving a lot of space to men — at the expense of women,” Karolina Skog explained.

2006 je tale Polo reklama še šla zdaj bi še koga zaprl zaradi nje.


Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od mr.T - 12-04-2017, 18:55