17-03-2017, 13:29
@Žiga P
Na to vprašanje dokaj jasno odgovarja naslednji citat evropskega parlamenta:
"For the most dangerous firearms, stricter rules should be introduced in Directive 91/477/EEC in order to ensure that those firearms are, with some limited and duly reasoned exceptions, not allowed to be acquired, possessed or traded. Where those rules are not respected, Member States should take all appropriate measures, which might include the impounding of those firearms."
Torej, zakonodajalec razmišlja tudi o zaplembi.
Na to vprašanje dokaj jasno odgovarja naslednji citat evropskega parlamenta:
"For the most dangerous firearms, stricter rules should be introduced in Directive 91/477/EEC in order to ensure that those firearms are, with some limited and duly reasoned exceptions, not allowed to be acquired, possessed or traded. Where those rules are not respected, Member States should take all appropriate measures, which might include the impounding of those firearms."
Torej, zakonodajalec razmišlja tudi o zaplembi.