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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
Hmmm, jaz teh postopkov ne razumem. Spodaj citirani del ni bil del kompromisa trialoga, vendar je sedaj v sprejetem tekstu, kljub temu, da so zavrnili amandmaje.....
Po sprejeti dikciji torej ni nujno, da gre vsak iz full auto predelani kos v A kategorijo. Je odvisno od tega, ali je bil predelan na način, da ga ni mogoče več predelati nazaj v avtomatskega. Kaj to točno pomeni pa bo določeno s pravili, ki jih mora sprejeti Komisija...
Article 10 ba
1. Member States shall take measures to ensure that automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic
firearms from ... [the date of entry into force of this Amending Directive] cannot be reconverted into automatic
2. The Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 13a in order to supplement this
Directive by establishing technical specifications to ensure that semi-automatic firearms which have been converted
from originally automatic firearms cannot be reconverted into automatic firearms. The Commission shall adopt the
first such delegated act by ... [31 December 2017].

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od goranzivec - 14-03-2017, 19:51