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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
(21-12-2016, 11:06)Uroš Palhartinger Napisal: https://www.rt.com/news/371081-eu-toughe...w.facebook

“We have fought hard for an ambitious deal that reduces the risk of shootings in schools, summer camps or terrorist attacks with legally held firearms. Of course, we would have liked to go further, but I am confident that the current agreement represents a milestone in gun control in the EU,” said the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

Tisti, ki ste trdili, da je to zgolj prvi korak k popolni prepovedi, ste imeli žal povsem prav.

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od Ales - 21-12-2016, 19:12