10-05-2016, 18:52
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Rezultati včerajšnjega (predčasnega) glasovanja na odboru LIBE.
So zavrnili praktično vse predloge, ki so bili v škodo strelcem. Gre sicer za odbor, ki ima posvetovalno vlogo v postopku, glavno vlogo za oblikovanje predloga bo sicer imel odbor EUCO, vendar so bili na LIBE do sedaj bistveno bolj sovražni do te teme kot na EUCO.
Več na firearms-united.org
The proposal to ban “Category B7” modern sporting firearms (a.k.a. “military-style” guns) was rejected.
The proposal to severely restrict or even impose licensing and registrations fordeactivated and replica firearms was rejected.
Collectors are kept out of the scope of the directive.
The proposal to restrict detachable magazines in capacity, to include them into the list of “essential firearm components” and impose mandatory registration EU-wide was rejected; same goes for silencers and sound suppressors.
The socialists’ proposal to impose an an additional tax on firearms and ammunitions has been rejected.
While essential gun parts should be marked, the proposal to impose marking of ammunition was rejected.
Member States will still be allowed to sell ex-military surplus to civilians and to grant, although under certain conditions, licenses for “Category A” military firearms and light weapons.
The proposal to impose EU-common mandatory medical standards and tests for the release and the renewal of gun licenses, and the proposal to impose an EU-level standard expiry date for all gun licenses, were both rejected.
People under the age of 18 will still be allowed to own and operate firearms for hunting and sport shooting, albeit under the supervision of an adult guardian that should also be a licensed gun owner.
While LIBE asks that the European Directive should refer to “mandatory safe storage” for privately-owned firearms, conditions and standards for said “safe storage” should be left to each individual Member State to establish on its own soil.
EU Member States should established a common database of licensed gun owners. As “Big Brother-ish” as it may sound, this could open the way for a future gun license reciprocity in the EU.
Rezultati včerajšnjega (predčasnega) glasovanja na odboru LIBE.
So zavrnili praktično vse predloge, ki so bili v škodo strelcem. Gre sicer za odbor, ki ima posvetovalno vlogo v postopku, glavno vlogo za oblikovanje predloga bo sicer imel odbor EUCO, vendar so bili na LIBE do sedaj bistveno bolj sovražni do te teme kot na EUCO.
Več na firearms-united.org
The proposal to ban “Category B7” modern sporting firearms (a.k.a. “military-style” guns) was rejected.
The proposal to severely restrict or even impose licensing and registrations fordeactivated and replica firearms was rejected.
Collectors are kept out of the scope of the directive.
The proposal to restrict detachable magazines in capacity, to include them into the list of “essential firearm components” and impose mandatory registration EU-wide was rejected; same goes for silencers and sound suppressors.
The socialists’ proposal to impose an an additional tax on firearms and ammunitions has been rejected.
While essential gun parts should be marked, the proposal to impose marking of ammunition was rejected.
Member States will still be allowed to sell ex-military surplus to civilians and to grant, although under certain conditions, licenses for “Category A” military firearms and light weapons.
The proposal to impose EU-common mandatory medical standards and tests for the release and the renewal of gun licenses, and the proposal to impose an EU-level standard expiry date for all gun licenses, were both rejected.
People under the age of 18 will still be allowed to own and operate firearms for hunting and sport shooting, albeit under the supervision of an adult guardian that should also be a licensed gun owner.
While LIBE asks that the European Directive should refer to “mandatory safe storage” for privately-owned firearms, conditions and standards for said “safe storage” should be left to each individual Member State to establish on its own soil.
EU Member States should established a common database of licensed gun owners. As “Big Brother-ish” as it may sound, this could open the way for a future gun license reciprocity in the EU.