02-05-2016, 10:43
(02-05-2016, 10:14)Bacekjon Napisal: Tisti, ki ste preštudirali osnutek direktive, ali morda veste:
- ali hočejo narediti popolno prepoved B7 (tudi za že obstoječe lastnike)
- ali pa samo ne bodo več dovolili novih nabav B7?
Sem potem opazil odgovor nakazan v zgornjem postu, ki ga je napisal Iurium humanorum (Legislation on firearms must be more ambitious in order to increase public safety, insists the EESC, 27.apr.2016):
"Another approach, according to the EESC opinion, could be to follow the example of the Australian and UK buyback programmes, which would take several thousand weapons out of circulation...This led to the surrender of 700 000 weapons... "