Tole je eno veliko skropucalo, sem pričakoval več od te Vicky. Pa je ista birokratinja kot vsi ostali prej; še bolj je zakomplicirala, sprememba zakonodaje zaradi spremembe same, ne pa da bi karkoli doprinesla.
Za vse tiste, ki se sprašujemo glede B7 kategorije; tole je njen citat:
The proposal to recategorise cat B.7 would cause many practical problems in implementation and has been tried and rejected in certain Member States. The Rapporteur instead makes a series of alternative proposals. Firearms converted to firing blanks should remain in their original categories due to the particular risks associated with them. Automatic firearms converted to semi-automatic (as well as, for the avoidance of any doubt, semi-automatic firearms converted to automatic) should be in category A.
To pomeni da vse CZ in M70, ki so predelane iz avtomatskega v polavtomatsko, ostanejo ne glede na predelavo v A kategoriji.
Še terminski plan:
Za vse tiste, ki se sprašujemo glede B7 kategorije; tole je njen citat:
The proposal to recategorise cat B.7 would cause many practical problems in implementation and has been tried and rejected in certain Member States. The Rapporteur instead makes a series of alternative proposals. Firearms converted to firing blanks should remain in their original categories due to the particular risks associated with them. Automatic firearms converted to semi-automatic (as well as, for the avoidance of any doubt, semi-automatic firearms converted to automatic) should be in category A.
To pomeni da vse CZ in M70, ki so predelane iz avtomatskega v polavtomatsko, ostanejo ne glede na predelavo v A kategoriji.
Še terminski plan:
![[Image: 12377587_1989906881233559_2554553638886177062_o.jpg]](