25-02-2016, 19:12
(Ta prispevek je bil nazadnje popravljen: 25-02-2016, 20:23 od Matej045.
Razlog popravka: Pisne napake
(25-02-2016, 17:17)TJRC Napisal: Je kdo spremljal tole (ali prebral povzetke)?
Tule pa je nov "working document": http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getD...V0%2f%2fEN
(še nisem prebral, samo objavljam)
Bistveni del delovnega dokumenta:
4.1 to revert to the existing legislation,
4.2 to consider a package of
- clarifying in Art 2(2) that “armed forces” cover the defence forces as defined under MS law with all units and persons under their command, including, where relevant, the home guard, reservists etc. if authorised or obliged to acquire or possess category A firearms,
- maintaining the possibility for MS to grant authorisations also for category A in special cases, while clarifying possibly that with examples of types of persons which could be considered for authorisations (via an open list), and a further description in a recital of the nature of associated stringent requirements,
- ensuring that shortening a firearm (making it more easily concealable) is considered manufacturing, and therefore illicit unless done by an authorised dealer, and
- rejecting the proposed move of category B7 to A7 (as B7 requires authorisation in any event).
Poenostavljeno glede B7 kategorije - vztraja se pri obstoječi zakonodaji oz. se zavrne predlog za premik kategorije B7 v A7. B7 torej ostane dovoljena (po predlaganem delovnem gradivu).