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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
(04-12-2015, 11:03)Klemenc Napisal: "Consequently, for the most dangerous firearms (category A) stricter rules have been introduced – even if they are deactivated. This means that deactivated firearms from Category A will not be allowed to be owned nor traded (except for museums)"

Ta odstavek je kontradiktoren odstavku objavljenim v ˝Comission regulation on deactivation˝, ki govori:

Article 1 
1. This Regulation shall apply to firearms of categories A, B, C or D as defined in Annex I to Directive 91/477/EEC.˝
2. This Regulation shall not apply to firearms deactivated prior to the date of its application, unless those firearms are transferred to another Member State or placed on the market.˝

V ˝Comission regulation on deactivation˝ ni nikjer omenjeno, da bi bilo deaktivirano orožje A kategorije prepovedano. So le strožji minimalni standardi za deaktivacijo v primerjavi z ostalimi kategorijami. Na nobenem od teh predlogov pa ni datuma, zato je težko sklepati kateri je novejši, kateri je bolj aktualen.

Ta odstavek je kontradiktoren tudi zagotovilom EC z zasedanja EP 30. 11. 2015

Tudi na zadnjem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta 30. 11. 2015 (link zasedanja je bil objavljen tu) je eden od članov EC izrecno zagotovil: ˝On what has been decided last week, on harmonizing the standards for deactivation of firearms. Because the member states do not apply the same criteria on technical standards on deactivation, it is sometimes too easy to reactivate them. If you go to a collectors shop and you buy a former AK-47 or M16, it is sometimes too easy to reactivate them. So now we will have all member states to apply same technical standards, so to ensure that once a military machine gun has been deactivated, it's once and for all.˝

To izjavo EC razumem kot zagotovilo, da onesposobljeno avtomatsko orožje NE BO PREPOVEDANO, ampak bojo tehnični standardi za deaktivacijo bolj strogi in enaki v vseh članicah.

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od p0gi - 05-12-2015, 02:51