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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
Koncno en dober odgovor

Firearms United

Evaluation of the Firearms Directive, za Evropsko Komisijo

stran 39
"Within this context it is of major interest to understand the scale of criminal offences involving legally held firearms, as directly regulated by the Firearms Directive. A recent UNODC study argues that “the majority of civilian firearms are not misused and are owned for legitimate purposes”. The significant difference between global estimates on the number of civilian firearms owned (hundreds of millions) and annual firearm homicides (around 199,000 in 2010) supports this conclusion.72 Nonetheless, data reported by national Police Departments and Ministries of the Interior throughout the study, and cases described in secondary sources, also point at episodes of misuse of legally owned firearms."

"In Finland73, there are annually about 20-30 cases of homicides committed with firearms, in less than 10 cases was the firearm legal.
The UK reports that legally held firearms are “rarely” used in crime74 whereas Slovenia75 reports no offences by legally held firearms.
In Portugal76, between 95-98% of weapons used in crime77 are civilian firearms, either legally owned or legally owned but stolen and/or converted.
In the Czech Republic78 in 2013, of the identified weapons used in crime, legal firearms were used almost four times as often as illegal weapons (182 compared to 47), the majority being category D weapons (135 cases). In addition, the Czech Republic also reported 132 cases where the firearm was never identified.
Similarly, in Romania 79 licit ownership of firearms in 2013 was reported in 160 cases while illicit ownership in 44, illicit trafficking in 101 and homicides in 8 cases.
Between 1991 and 2014, Malta80 had 57 homicides involving civilian firearms: out of the 39 solved cases, the majority referred to legally owned firearms.
In the Netherlands, the National Police reported that a very low number of crimes is committed with legally owned firearms, but the most shocking incident 81 (6 people killed, 17 injured) was committed with two legally owned firearms.
In Germany82, considering only the number of weapons seized on crime scenes, weapons requiring a license represented around 30% of all firearms in 2013, and approximately 5% of them were legally owned.
In Sweden83 most of the reported crimes (i.e. murder, manslaughter. and armed bank robbery) occurred between 2000 and 2010 involving weapons and that went to prosecution were committed with illegally held firearms84 In Luxembourg the Police Grand-Ducale
reported that all firearms used in homicides where illegally held."

"In some MS (DE, EE, LU, NL, IT, SE, UK) a significant share of civilian firearms used in crimes are illegally held."

"There are nearly half a million firearms inside the EU which have been registered as lost or stolen from the mid 90s (date of the implementation of the SIS) up to 2014 85, and which remain unaccounted for.86 A share of these weapons is likely to be in criminal hands."

stran 41

"Weapons trafficking in Europe is generally understood as small in scale. According to Europol: ‘The weapons and Organised crime groups (OCGs) involved in weapons trafficking primarily originate from the Western Balkans and the former Soviet Union. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs are also involved in the trafficking of weapons and have opened chapters in the Western Balkans. OCGs use existing criminal routes to traffic weapons. The main sources of illegal weapons are the reactivation of neutralised weapons; burglaries and thefts; embezzlement of legal arms, legal arms sold in the illegal market; firearms retired from service by army or police; the conversion of gas pistols.’89 In a joint intervention between the Swedish customs and the Swedish police during one month in 2012, the authorities seized 50 illegal weapons and 100 additional weapons from weapons dealers failing to provide all the necessary documentation. The police described the trafficking as ’ant trafficking’, small scale smuggling, which is mainly sourced from the Western Balkans. 90 In August 2014, customs in Malmö, Sweden, confiscated seven pistols posted from different EU MS, including from Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia, produced by Walther (Germany), Glock (Austria) and Zastava Arms (Serbia).91"

stran 42

"In December 2013, French police arrested 45 people allegedly involved in smuggling military style weapons, ammunitions and firearms into France since 2009, mainly from the Balkans and Slovakia.92 In March 2014, 84 people were accused of carrying out 1,600 illegal online transactions of weapons from Central Europe, Austria and Germany.93"

"Legally owned civilian firearms may be diverted to the illegal market through different channels, such as:
- Theft or loss: firearms may be stolen during burglaries, both from apartments and from dealers’ stocks;
- Failure to register firearms after changes in regulations: in case of changes of the national law, if the holders fail to fulfil the new requirements (e.g., registration of firearms previously free to circulate), they illegally hold a firearm. This was the case in Belgium
following the 2006 legislative change or in Sweden after the amnesty period and France after the entry into force of the new regulatory framework in 2012. Another example concerns firearms that become illegal if a registration update is not performed or when a
weapon is kept in a family without the proper authorisations94"

V glavnem, do sedaj so le priznali, da po drzavah prihaja do razlik med orozjem uporabljenim v ubojih, po nekaterih drzavah je procent legalnega prozja vecji, pri drugih manjsi, kar ocitno kaze na to, da je incidenca ubojev stalnica, dogaja pa se pac s tistim orozjem/orodjem, ki je v tistem trenutku dosegljivo. Ce je dosegljivo legalno orozje, bo uporabljeno legalno, ce legalnega orozja ni, bo uporabljeno ilegalno orozje.

V nobeni od nastetih statistik, ni opredeljena kategorija orozja. Govori se o orozju.
Ne povedo, ali je orozje B1 kategorije (kar zelo verjetno je) ali katere druge kategorije je. V nekaterih primerih so orozja predelana.

Skratka, z direktivo so se spravili na B7 in potencialno na B4 kategorijo, ki v njihovih statistikah nikjer ni omenjena kot problematicna.

stran 43

"The second issue relates to firearms originally legally held that become illegal after changes in legislation."

... ker orozja B7 in B4 so do unan bila v prosti prodaji, in se lahko sele sedaj "izgubijo" med registracijo / neregistracijo.

stran 44

"Conversion of alarm weapons Conversion of originally blank firing weapons (e.g., gas and alarm pistols) to fire live ammunition recently emerged as an issue in several MS (CY, DK, ES, FR, IE, IT, LT, LU, NL, PT, RO, SE, SK, UK) involving both weapons originating from outside and inside the EU."

Se ena problematika, ki zahteva, da se B7 uvrsti med prepovedano orozje.

stran 47

"Deactivated firearms: reactivation and trade in firearms parts
Deactivated firearms became a threat in the years following the end of the Balkan civil war, when a considerable number of firearms were deactivated and part of them pulled out of the legal market and the tracing system.
Cases of re-activation and trafficking of deactivated firearms have been encountered by police forces throughout the EU (BE120, FI, FR, IE, IT, NL, SE, SK).121"

Lahko resljiv problem s standardizacijo pravilnih postopkov deaktivacije, po katerih orozje ni vec orozje in ga ni treba slediti.

stran 49

"Other security concerns

Other security concerns relate to the conversion of semi-automatic firearms into automatic firearms and the use of antique weapons for criminal purposes. Some semi-automatic firearms can be transformed into automatic firearms and thus represent a real threat to security134, as stated by representatives from 2 MS (FI, SE), with the process of conversion being straightforward in some cases, like that of a Glock semi-automatic pistol.

135 The same happens for certain semi-automatic rifles, with online demonstrations to convert from semi-automatic to automatic in roughly one minute.136
Conversion kits to transform semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons quickly and easily and the knowledge on how to use these kits are now available and, if not properly managed, risk becoming a serious security concern. Nonetheless, no specific evidence that converted semi-automatic weapons are used in crimes was collected during this study to further support this concern."

Spet ukrep v direktivi brez prepotrebnih podatkov, ki bi taksen ukrep podprli kot nujnega.

"Concerns in relation to antique weapons were raised by representatives of 3 MS (FR, LT and UK). Evidence in this regard is limited."

stran 50

"2.2.2 Emerging issues
New technologies such as 3D printing and new sales channels such as internet, proved to be an emerging issue that should be adequately monitored at EU level given the potential risks they can create in the future. "

Ker s 3D printerjem si lahko vsak printa zaklepisce, zaklep in cev. Zelo nevaren postopek, vse drzavljane je treba odsled imeti na oceh, kaj doma printajo.

stran 63

"The information collected through the survey and the interviews confirmed the absence of security problems related to hunters and marksmen coming from other MS. Most MS never recorded criminal offences committed by EFP holders. Only some hunting accidents were reported by the Finnish Ministry of the Interior. This confirms the previous findings of the Commission172 of no safety problems linked with the use of the EFP."

stran 79

"The potential convertibility of semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons is another emerging issue that should be further analysed and approached at EU level given the related security risks linked to the possibility of conversion of these weapons into automatic weapons and the documented availability of public information on how to convert them (see par. 2.2.1). "

stran 80

"Overall the Firearms Directive proves to be relevant to current market needs. Concerns raised by economic operators do not relate to the Directive itself but rather to the different implementing measures and procedures that MS have adopted. Such heterogeneous measures lead to additional burden and costs that impact negatively the cross border movement of firearms. As for security, most concerns at EU level fall within the scope of the Directive. "

Skratka, veliko ukrepov proti polavtomatskemu orozju, hkrati pa priznavajo, da nimajo podatkov, ki bi kazali, da bi legalno polavtomatsko orozje bilo predelano na avtomatsko in uporabljeno v kriminalnih dejanjih. Hkrati operirajo s podatki, ki jasno kazejo, da legalno orozje v vecini drzav clanic ne predstavlja tistega orozja, ki bi se uporabljalo za kriminal, in v tem orozju so vstete vse kategorije orozja, medtem pa se spravljajo na B7 in "puske podobne avtomatskim".

Slamparija prve vrste.

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od Klemenc - 30-11-2015, 12:21