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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
(21-11-2015, 11:47)Klemenc Napisal: Finnish Parlament has issued a statement, it's conclusion is this :

Full text on the IPSC FB page:

Tole sem pravkar videl na FB

To je samo zato ker so jim že doma je*al mater. Polhn kufer jih že majo

Finska vlada je namreč podobno zakonodajo predlagala pred 2 meseci. Folk je pa sevda v luft skočil na njihovo stran pa se postavila vojska in obrambno ministrstvo, ki sta odvisna od usposobljene in do zob oborožene prostovoljne rezerve.

Največja nevarnost so bili za Fince Nato lobisti ,ki so zaenkrat neuspešni saj so jim prodajal zgodbo o tem kako bo potem vse fino in prov pa nič več ne bodo potrebovali rezervistov(seved je z tem mišljeno da potem raja postane irelevantna). Takoj so seveda pradlagali ,da je treba zato še v ZDA na večji šoping orožja.

Doma so se pa odzvali seveda burno in v svojem stilu , fuck you Nato , če bo treba pobijat Ruse jih bomo kot vemo in znamo

Google translate , na zemljevidu pa grožnje Finski LOL 

Citat:Finnish defense is more to think about than NATO
31.8.2014 09:39 Tom Packalen 64 kommenttia
The Finnish economy is reflected in the sediment of the hard way in the defense sector. Reservists are not organized enough refresher exercises and regenerated, the aging material. 
The defense forces need modern equipment massavanhenevan equipment in place. The question is not, however, not only to replacement, but also requires a change of thinking. What worked 10 years ago may not work today.
The world saw the Crimea skillfully carried out a military operation, carried out by Russian special forces. Russia's reform their armed forces has become a military attack. It has streamlined its organization more flexible and faster. In addition, it has invested heavily in high-readiness forces operations. Crimea seen in ballistic protection and equipped with VDV troops in the Western-term and special weapons are a great example of this.
My own view is that Russia is trying to develop their ability to just yllätyshyökkäysmäiseen battle, like when one of the neighboring country can be taken salamaoperaationa a matter of hours. In these types of operations is intended to paralyze the party in every possible way kyberillä and special forces use the first few hours in order for the mobilization is not enough time to implement.
Such would be needed to fight the enemy a sufficient number of high-quality high state of readiness of the soldiers, so that mobilization can be done. Such quality of troops in Finland, too, needs more.
One solution reservist  Battle Groups, which each team had in guerrilla sniper group. Snipers are the poor man's precision weapons, which are capable of producing a loss of invaders, and even infantry weapons outside of the effective range
Warfare has entered into force due to the growth transformed and is now based on forces of decentralization, such as the Army's new battle mode. The enemy will pass defender to choose the place where it seeks to destroy, or at least produce it in significant losses.
Motivated and willing to defend the reserve based on the way the battle would be easy to call voluntary refresher training, if the security policy situation so require, and at the same time it would provide a significant deterrent invaders.
2000 modern rifle with optics would cost more than 10 million, but would be able to produce a computational 2,000 dead soldiers a day , 14,000 per week. No modern army ic capable of taking such losses.
Sako Finland manufactures the world's best precision rifles. The world's best long-distance accuracy of the cartridge is a Finnish 338 Lapua magnum. Voluntary National Defence should not condition a little money, which would be home to the ground.
Snipers are, moreover, clearly defensive work, which is not a threat to anyone. Finland's NATO membership, by contrast, would constitute a significant threat to Russian security and through Finland's security.

[Image: svvavryb.jpg]

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