11-10-2015, 10:06
Pri tem sem pozabil dodati še pripombe člana evropske komisije - POVEZAVA DO ČLANKA 2
Remarks of Commissioner Avramopoulos at the Press Conferences of the Justice and Home Affairs Council
Luxembourg, 8 October 2015
"....There is a third important point that we discussed today, and that is the need to act on firearms. It is crucial to jointly tackle this very serious security threat that goes beyond national borders.
Trafficking in firearms is a crime in itself. But it is also a major facilitator for all types of serious organised crime and terrorism.
We shall present a proposal to revise the existing Firearms Directive and we will already adopt new rules on the deactivation of firearms in December..."
Remarks of Commissioner Avramopoulos at the Press Conferences of the Justice and Home Affairs Council
Luxembourg, 8 October 2015
"....There is a third important point that we discussed today, and that is the need to act on firearms. It is crucial to jointly tackle this very serious security threat that goes beyond national borders.
Trafficking in firearms is a crime in itself. But it is also a major facilitator for all types of serious organised crime and terrorism.
We shall present a proposal to revise the existing Firearms Directive and we will already adopt new rules on the deactivation of firearms in December..."