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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
Ob 12h je bilo glasovanje.
Direktiva je dobila dovolj glasov (25 za, 9 proti), sedaj gre na glasovanje v Parlament (enkrat marca).

Tole je Dita Charanzova napisala:
The Imco Dohlasoval, as you can see on the display, voted against the directive us enough. Common sense has not won - most members on the committee sent directive to vote at the plenary EP. This should take place in March. At This moment left to attempt the amendments on March vote. In the things I ask for support all Czech rep in ep - together we tabled amendments and voting in order (not only) Czech holders of firearms! If I don't have enough support, we have to challenge a directive to the European court of justice. And that's exactly what I'm ready to recommend if shooting ammo!

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od JRC - 26-01-2017, 13:10

Uporabnikov, ki berejo to temo: 38 Gost(ov)